Telephone 905.579.5777 Email Address 59 King St. E. Oshawa, ON, L1H 1B4
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Tech Specs2 Mids & Highs- Yorkville Elite 2000 speakers -1000 watts- Impendance 4 Ω each -powered by a Yorkville AP 4020 -Professional series AMP
2 Bass Bins- Yorkville Elite E5 808 speakers- 800 watts- Impedance 8 Ω each- powered by a Yorkville AP 4040- Professional series power AMP
2 Monitors- Yorkville Pulse TMC speakers- 250 Watts- Impedance 8 Ω each- powered by a Yorkville AP 800- Professional series power AMP
24 Mixer- Channel Behringer console with Yamaha effects rack
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